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Category: Astronomy

These days people are not really used to looking up for the stars and in many places, due to man-made light pollution, the night sky [...]

The object we refer to as the Sun burns brightly at the center of our Solar System. It is our one and only source of [...]

Stargazing is a part of who you are, and there’s no better way to share your passion than on a romantic stargazing adventure with your [...]

The universe encompasses every single thing in existence, from the smallest atom to the largest star or galaxy. Everyone and everything on Earth is a [...]

When you head out the door to snap fantastic astrophotos, you’ve surely noticed that not all stars have the same color. Scientists have grouped stars [...]

Astrology and astronomy are two sides of a similar coin. They share the prefix “astro,” meaning both relate to the stars, celestial bodies, or outer [...]

As with many things in astronomy, the term planet has been ambiguous for many years. Depending on when you were born, you may feel differently [...]

Each of us occupies only a small space on a small planet awash in a sea of stars. When we look out at the sky [...]

Space quotes are an amazing inspiration for anyone looking to look for incredible opportunities outside of what we already know. They define who we are [...]

From our tiny vantage point on Earth, it’s hard to fathom that the universe extends billions of light-years in every direction. Ever since we first [...]

Few would argue that we have the Sun to thank for making Earth a hospitable place to live. We can see its blinding light and [...]

We often take for granted our unique position in the universe, voyaging incessantly around our star with seven planetary neighbors and countless pieces of space [...]

In its infinite scope, the universe is full of awe-inspiring wonders. We’re blessed with nebulae, cosmic clouds, planets, moons, and more stars than we can [...]

With its spectacular rings and brilliant yellow hue, one might argue that Saturn is the most beautiful planet in the Solar System. With so much [...]

Venus’s unique position in the Solar System makes it visible both in the morning and in the evening from Earth. Because of this, ancient humans [...]

Mars has been of interest to humanity since ancient times due to its closeness to Earth. With its reddish hue, it has even been perceived [...]

The Milky Way truly is a majestic view. If you saw it, you are among the lucky ones, as manmade light pollution is hiding our [...]

Staring out into the blackness of space fills us with a sense of wonder as we contemplate the mysteries of the universe. With so much [...]

The terms cosmonaut and astronaut have 70 years of blood, sweat, and tears soaked into them as humankind reached for the stars. While these titles [...]

As close as many are to Earth, asteroids still hold a lot of questions for scientists. These relatively new discoveries seem to follow specific patterns [...]

As our closest neighbor, the Moon has been a focal point of many societies throughout the ages. Although we can cover up the Moon with [...]

Although asteroids are some of the oldest objects in our Solar System, they were only first discovered in the early 19th century. Since then, millions [...]

The sky is full of countless stars, each with unique characteristics. While some shine more brightly than others, one in particular has served special importance. [...]

It goes without saying that we could not exist on Earth without the Sun. It provides heat and light that all life on Earth needs [...]

At best guess, there are over 200 billion trillion stars in the universe and somewhere around 200 billion in our galaxy alone. These stars come [...]

Humankind has always wondered about the vast expanse of space and everything in it. Perhaps most interesting are the celestial objects that stand out in [...]

We can see thousands of stars from Earth on a clear night, as long as there’s not a lot of light pollution. In looking at [...]

Our planet has a finite number of natural resources, and as a result, we’ve started to look to places like the Moon for sustainability. Precious [...]

Night and day occur just like clockwork. Even though we’re not guaranteed a sunrise, we’ve come to expect the Sun to rise and set each [...]

At some point, mankind stopped looking at the Moon as some impossible object in the sky and started to decipher the science behind making the [...]

From Earth, we can look up at the Moon and see several areas that appear darker than the rest. These darker regions make up the [...]

Our Moon is a mystical place to those of us on Earth. Dating back centuries and millennia, ancient humans have given names to the Moon [...]

We are fortunate to have the Moon as such a close celestial friend in the sky. During a full moon, it beautifully illuminates our nights [...]

With the Sun settled below the horizon, the Moon is the brightest object in our nighttime sky. The larger it is, the more intently the [...]

On any clear night, it’s always apparent if the Moon is out. Its unmistakable glow permeates the night and helps light our way. Nights without [...]

Everything in space is moving in some way, shape, or form. Understanding how and why those objects move, though, is a different story. In this [...]

When visible, the Moon is the brightest object in the nighttime sky. What makes the Moon so interesting is that it seems to slowly fade [...]

Looking up at the Moon today, our neighbor looks cold and dormant. Things, however, are not always what they seem. Scientists are constantly discovering new [...]

The Moon has been our celestial neighbor in space for as long as history is able to indicate. The Moon has had an effect on [...]

The Moon seems to undergo a strange transformation each month as it seemingly grows and shrinks in the sky. There’s obviously much more to the [...]

As the Moon orbits our planet time and again, it passes through various lunar cycles. A lunar cycle, however, isn’t quite as clearly defined as [...]

Water is an essential component for life on Earth. Without it, none of us would be here reading this article. We take it for granted, [...]

We don’t often think about magnets when we talk about objects in our Solar System. Large celestial objects like Earth have magnetic fields that help [...]

When we look up at the Moon in the sky, we always see the same “Man on the Moon” staring back at us. However, at [...]

The Moon has always loomed over us. As technology advanced and rockets got bigger, it became a show of power to see which country could [...]

We’ve all lived thousands of days already here on Earth. For most of us, a day on Earth involves waking up, performing whatever tasks we [...]

On Earth, we are blessed to have a planet with very active layers directly under our feet. These layers play an essential role in our [...]

The Moon, spinning quietly through space, looks completely different from the world we live in. With the Earth so full of life and color, people [...]

Is the Moon hot, or is it not? Scientists have wondered that question for ages. What looks like a completely dead world to us is [...]

Our Solar System is such an incredible place. Although many objects are still waiting to be found, planets have been known to humans for thousands [...]

Here on Earth, we often take the air that we breathe for granted. It is so abundant that we don’t even have to think about [...]

In a universe of lights, the moon shines bright. Two hundred thousand miles away, the moon’s gravitational attraction determines the high and low tides of [...]

Our Moon has always been a mystery. There are many theories on how it formed, but we still don’t know for sure. We finally got [...]

If you ask a bunch of people what color is the Moon, you’ll probably get different answers.  Ask your kids and they will say the [...]

The Moon has always played a central role in human civilizations, from being used to keeping track of time to inspire myths and music. And [...]

I have a soft spot for the Moon; since I was a young kid, my father would let me see it through his old 30x [...]

Twinkle twinkle little starHow I wonder what you areUp above the world so highLike a diamond in the skyTwinkle, twinkle little starHow I wonder what… [...]

So, you like astrophotography. You spend money and time to photograph the many wonders of the universe to try to get the best images you [...]

As photographers and astronomers, we set out to find and capture unique parts of the universe, when the sun sets the night sky opens up [...]

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